January 7, 2022
 | By 
Jet Plumbers

Regrettably, we all know how quickly major disasters can occur in California. If you're in the path of a wildfire, you might want to evacuate your house without really much warning. The very best way to prepare for possible future evacuations would be to know what to do until they occur. Evacuations will always be traumatic, but knowing that you're doing the right thing could help give you some reassurance.

One important thing to do before evacuating your home is protect your pipes. By following these basic steps, you can maximize the chance your plumbing stays operational, even following a significant disaster. Hopefully, these ideas will help stop your homecoming from incorporating any more stress into an already-troubling circumstance.

  1. Prepare today.
    This can be"step 0" because you ought to take action until an evacuation is ordered. If you are preparing to depart now, skip this step. Be secure!
    Stay informed about your plumbing maintenance. Check for plumbing leaks regularly, and patch them up immediately once you discover them. Address clogs, lethargic drains, and other minor issues before they get serious. If your plumbing stays healthy, it will hold up better if you have to leave it alone for awhile.
  2. Open your dishwasher and washing machine.
    Open your dishwasher and washing machine. Drain anything out inside fixture to prevent it from rattling around and damaging the machinery. After you've emptied both machines, then make sure you leave them open. Airing out the insides of these fittings can help prevent mold from growing inside them while you're off.
  3. Drain your plumbing.
    Turn off your water main, then turn all the taps in your home. Once that water drains, then there won't be any water left in your plumbing. This is vital because it is going to avoid water damage in case your plumbing break while you're off. In case you have time, then turn the faucets back off as soon as you've drained the water. If you don't have time, then just remember to turn them off once you get back home!
  4. Turn your water heater on "vacation" mode.
    Most contemporary water heaters have a"holiday" mode for if you will be away from home for quite a while. Check your owner's manual to find out just where it is. Vacation mode suspends your water heater's regular operation. It will not take in water, heat water up, or send hot water through your plumbing. Not only will this save you money, it'll also help prevent water damage. Just do not forget to re-activate your water heater once you return home.

    Taking these precautions before you evacuate will help safeguard your home from harm. Taking preventative precautions before you need to evacuate is even better.

    Should you need help preparing your pipes for emergencies in Arvada, get in contact with Jet Plumbers Arvada Co any moment. We're always happy to help. Stay safe!